An easy potato-leek soup that takes no shortcuts to deliver the best flavor and texture possible. A touch of buttermilk and potatoes pressed through a...
Chorizo, White Bean and Vegetable Soup is hearty, delicious and the perfect way to warm up and fill up on a chilly day! Spicy chorizo sausage, cannellini...
Low Carb Keto Zuppa Toscana Soup recipe is packed with flavor from crispy bacon, Italian Sausage, spinach and tender cauliflower all in a rich, creamy...
This zesty chipotle chicken tortilla soup is easy to prepare with rotisserie chicken and will be on the table in 30-minutes. Crisp tortilla strips slightly...
A classic comfort food, beef and barley soup is so much better when you make it from scratch. Serve with a big chunk of artisan bread for a satisfying...
The flavors of hard apple cider, bacon, sage, and soft caramelized apples make this a winning dish for fall. The chicken is falling-off-the-bone tender...
This soup is ready in about 30 minutes, once the chicken is cooked and can be removed from the bone, but the chicken just gets more and more tender the...
Calabaza squash and garbanzo stew. Vegetarian stew made in the Instant Pot®. You will love it so much that shortly after your bowl is filled it will be...
Pressure Cooker Beef Stew - a hearty beef stew with potatoes, carrots, green beans, and tomatoes can be on the table in minutes when you use a pressure...
A warm and hearty Indian-inspired lentil stew. Perfect for a cold night. The flavors of curry and cumin make this a very tantalizing dish and fill the...
Grated fresh pineapple and sparkling wine are the main ingredients in this cold, refreshing soup. A garnish of toasted coconut continues the tropical theme....
Rich, hot beer-cheese soup may not sound like ideal summer fare, but this version is made with a warm-weather cookout star-smoky grilled brats-that transform...
Healthy ground turkey soup recipe comes together in 20 minutes or less, it is packed full of protein, vegetables, and most importantly, flavor! Your whole...
This is a simple soup that plays on the sweet and savory qualities of sweet potato. The heat here is noticeable, but still relatively mild. If you like...
Author: Mary Kasprzak adapted from The NYT (via The Wednesday Chef)
A fantastically flavorful and slightly spicy Mexican soup made with shredded chicken and black beans. I usually make this in the morning and let it simmer...
I've been on a tamale pie kick ever since updating my mom's classic recipe a couple months ago by adding a brown butter cornbread crust. Essentially...
In her new cookbook, The Heart of the Plate, Mollie Katzen shares many recipes for vegetarian soups and stews. None are as beguilingly simple as her version...
This red lentil soup is one of my all-time favorite dinners. Sautéed leeks and onions are combined with carrots, celery, crushed tomatoes, chicken broth,...
Arroz con pollo finds its way into nearly every Central and South American country in some form or another. The Nicaraguan version is more soupy and stew-like...
Most recipes for squid focus on quick-cooking techniques, like sautéing and frying, but long-cooked braised squid is arguably one of the most delicious...
If you have the time or desire (or both) to make your own turkey stock from additional parts and bones before Thanksgiving cooking gets started, feel free....
In this land of beef-eaters, pork stews don't get enough love. This one is an adaptation of a Greek pork and wine stew that I read in Vefa's Kitchen....